We entrust your intentions to the loving Heart of Jesus and into the care of our Blessed Mother through our daily prayers. It is our joy and privilege to pray with you and for you.
Please fill out and submit the prayer request below.
Thank you for entrusting your intentions to our daily prayers. Please note: for your privacy we do not respond to Prayer Requests.
“Mary guides and protects us in our pilgrimage on earth towards the heavenly Kingdom. We trust that her loving protection will obtain for us the blessings of her Son for all eternity. She has a real part in our spiritual and religious lives. We love her with confidence because she is our Mother. With a Mother’s tender heart she saves us from unnecessary sorrows and embarrassments as she did the family in Cana.” Sister Ida Peterfy
Our Lady of Cana, pray for us.
The Wedding at Cana
Artwork by Isabel Piczek
at Heart of Jesus Retreat Center Convent Chapel
Santa Ana, California
© 2013 Society Devoted to the Sacred Heart.
All Rights Reserved.